A change catalyst for you to perform better and impact bigger

Using our light to make sure others shine



Jihene El Abed Gati is a certified professional coach PCC-ICF, a master NLP practitioner, and the founder of XpandCoach: a leadership coaching practice and consultancy supporting executives and their teams to perform today and be ready for tomorrow, getting the results that really matter.  

Jihene worked for 21 years in the Downstream Oil & Gas Industry across different geographies in Africa. 

An engineer by education, she led multiple regional leadership roles in Supply Chain, Pricing, Marketing, and Business Development.

During these years in corporate, she successfully led multicultural teams through major organizational restructuring, new market entries, and market disruptions.

Now, within XpandCoach, Jihene is focused on supporting executives and their teams to perform better and multiply their impact, especially in times of uncertainty and high-stakes challenges.

She helps them get their desired results in areas such as productivity, team engagement, stress management, managing conflicts, and embracing change and transitions. This is done through one-to-one coaching, team coaching, group leadership programs, workshops, or speaking engagements.

She believes in the power of embracing the light that we carry inside of us as individuals so that others can be seen and can shine further- lighting up the power of the whole. 




I know how to help

Corporate expertise of + 20 years within different lines of businesses, working across different countries, going through organizational restructures and corporate politics.

I’m a certified Master Life coach, Master NLP Practitioner, Master Time Line Paradigm Techniques Practitioner and Team Coach. I have the knowledge, the commitment, and the tools to support your change.

I know how it feels

when things don’t go as planned and… aren’t you the one who’s supposed to be in control?

when you have to keep going and engaging with moving targets and life throwing things at you.

I felt alone, I doubted: do I have what it takes to make it at this level? I still doubt it as I get from one level to another. It just gets easier and quicker for me to move past that.

I’m pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, there is fear, there is excitement, and there is the fascination of realizing how powerful we can be…when we master how we create our experience of life.

I know that I don’t know…do you?

I don’t know you yet, right? So how can I know whether I can help you get what you want?

What I know is:

If you’re looking to level up your game, to master navigating through uncertainty- for you or your organization- there’s a great probability that I can help.

If you value fact, results, and structure. If you’re open to experimenting, to playing, to being curious. Then I’d say the probability of us making great work together just doubled:)

And yet, I don’t know, you don’t know either.

It can be easy though.

All it takes is one click and 3 steps: 1. book for your free consultation call 2. Let’s talk 3. You’d know!




One to One and team coaching programs to :

- Expand your performance: Make behavioral changes for improved performance and well-being.

- Multiply your impact: For leading self to leading others.


Corporate programs for your team to perform today be ready for tomorrow and increase their impact.

Workshops and coaching programs for teams and individuals on self-leadership ( emotional-mental and delivering results), leading others ( engaging, conflict management), and leading change. ( available in English and French)

Creating resilient teams and impactful leaders. Programs for businesses

Expand your knowledge

Check the blog for articles and free resources. The underlying theme is Leading and Impacting. Topics vary from resilience, mental fitness, self-mastery, emotional agility, multiplier leadership…

Insights, strategies, practical tips, and switches of perspectives.

Curious? Start here